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Server360 Lite | Free Server Monitoring Admin Dashboard

08 Nov 2021 Theme Of The Day

Server360 Lite | Free Server Monitoring Admin Dashboard

by Iqonic Design

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Free Server Monitoring Admin Dashboard templates are becoming more popular than ever before. Financial and Sales dashboard comes at hand when a company wants to track all their relevant finance KPIs, which allows for effective cash management.

Free Bootstrap Admin Template for Server Monitoring gives power to the service provider to access all details about server monitoring and their expenses, sales, and profit. Server360 Lite is a crisp, Free Admin Dashboard Template for Server Monitoring for companies and professionals.

The details of the company data is further churned and presented using this free Bootstrap Admin Template for Server Monitoring template. It helps the business to outperform financial goals assigned to a particular department or a team.

Server360 Lite, being the free server monitoring admin dashboard template features Dashboard layout with minimal and highly purpose-driven UI Elements to deliver clear insights and reliable sales or financial report. This free server monitoring admin dashboard template also comes with multiple menu levels which professionals can use to suit their convenience. 


Free Server Monitoring Admin Dashboard | Server360 Lite | Iqonic Design free server monitoring admin dashboard Server360 Lite 02 home page min

Free Server Monitoring Admin Dashboard | Server360 Lite | Iqonic Design free server monitoring admin dashboard Server360 Lite 03 inner pages min

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