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Radmin - Laravel Admin starter with REST API, User Roles & Permission

09 Nov 2020 Theme Of The Day

Radmin - Laravel Admin starter with REST API, User Roles & Permission

by Themicly


Radmin is a laravel kickstarter with REST API, Advanced user, roles & permission management , Serverside Datatable, Datatable Edit and Export( CSV, EXCEL, PRINT, PDF, COPY),Cache Clear, XSS protection and many more features.

Radmin uses Themekit bootstrap 4 admin template with advanced form elements, chat wizard, charts, widgets and 30+ other glamorous plugins. It has an eye catching user interface for laravel 8.

Responsive design for all type of devices and works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and all other smart phone devices.

live demo: http://radmin.vongima.com/login


Super Admin: admin@test.com
HR: hr@test.com
Project Manager: pm@test.com
Sales Manager: sm@test.com

Password: 1234

REST API Documentation and Endpoints

Radmin uses Laravel Passport for API development. Here is the link of documentation and Endpoints Visit https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/11223504/Szmh1vqc?version=latest


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