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QloudDash | Cloud Service Admin Template

19 Mar 2021 Theme Of The Day

QloudDash | Cloud Service Admin Template

by Iqonic Design

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Qlouddash’s design and super clean looks will make your backend app look beautiful and elegant on any device. Your Qlouddash works seamlessly on all major web browsers, tablets, and phones. Qlouddash is like Service-based web template toolkit for for Cloud service and infrastructure providers. Qlouddash stands out with its uniquely designed niche demo pages. It is a modern and versatile dashboard with various ready-to-use apps and utility pages. It consists of the most impressive pages like auth module, error pages and service list page. 

If you are startup or company looking to start cloud infrastructure business like Digitalocean, Amazon Web Service (AWS), Linode, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure then this template is a perfect fit for you.