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ProX - Multipurpose HTML Admin Template + Landing Pages

26 Nov 2020 Theme Of The Day

ProX - Multipurpose HTML Admin Template + Landing Pages

by Iqonic Design

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ProX is truly a new breed of admin template toolkit for web developers and digital entrepreneurs. It is a modern and versatile dashboard with various ready-to-use layouts and utility pages. It consists of the most impressive Music streaming app like Spotify, Online Book store, File Storage drive app like Google Drive, CRM app dashboard for Startups, User Management Module, email app, Social Media reporting, Server Monitoring app, Chat app, To-do app and much more.

ProX has the easiest package builder so that you can build your app in the shortest time possible. ProX is a part of the most amazing IQONIC LTS club which means we promise to provide continuous update for next 3 years. ProX’s harmonious design and super clean looks will make your backend app look beautiful and elegant. Your ProX works seamlessly on all major web browsers, tablets, and phones. Each page is fully responsive and retina ready, making your creation look good on any device.

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