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Poli Election Campaign & Donation Portal HTML5 Website Template

28 Dec 2023 Theme Of The Day

Poli Election Campaign & Donation Portal HTML5 Website Template

by Slidesigma

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Poli Election Campaign & Donation Portal HTML5 Website Template

Poli HTML5 Template is a high-quality Political Election Campaign that was developed for Multipurpose Political Campaigns. Poli Template is tailored for Political Campaigns, Political Party Planing, Interest Group, election, Volunteers, Donations, Non profit and other social movements websites.

Poli HTML5 Template Includes all the necessary pages and sections which are required to build a full Political Election Campaign website whith emphasis on showcasing candidate history and future agenda, donation portal, shop and many more. With user-friendly features which allows admins to easily find the options and settings that they are looking for. Poli’s was crafted with Bootstrap 4, HTML 5, CSS3 with full W3C validation while focusing on modern, clean design with Red & blue color scheme can accommodate any political Campaign and will add that extra flair to your Political site.

Poli Election Campaign & Donation Portal HTML5 Website Template Features

  1. Functioning Contact Form
  2. Full Responsive and most advanced UI
  3. Clean Design
  4. Google Fonts
  5. Clean and well commented codes
  6. Well documented
  7. Contact Form Working
  8. Cross browser compatible – IE10+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera
  9. And Much More

Poli Election Campaign & Donation Portal HTML5 Website Template Pages

  1. 404 page
  2. about page
  3. blog details page
  4. blog left page
  5. blog right page
  6. checkout page
  7. donation details page
  8. donation grid page
  9. homepage 2 page
  10. homepage 3 page
  11. homepage 4 page
  12. homepage 5 page
  13. index page
  14. login page
  15. order details page
  16. register page
  17. shop details page
  18. shop left page
  19. shop right page
  20. story details page
  21. story grid page
  22. wishlist page

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