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Gourmand - Food WordPress Solutions

08 Jun 2018 Theme Of The Day

Gourmand - Food WordPress Solutions

by myThemes


Gourmand is clean WordPress Theme with a beautiful responsive design and Powerful Features. Gourmand is a Food WordPress Solution with a lot of ready one click Setup Custom Sections and many others Features. Most important is what you not need Code Knowledges to Grow Up your Business or Startup.

Gourmand is an user friendly solution with many business tools for food and not food business. All you need to do is just install recommended plugins and follow recommended actions from Admin Dashboard › About Gourmand.

At this moment most important part of plugins are not live on wordpress.org but after 2 Weeks we will purpose a better and easy way to install and setup this beautiful WordPress Theme. Gourmand is most useful WordPress solution for business domain and also for blog Writers.

So the Gourmand Solutions is a Better Choice for your website and your choice is greatly appreciated!

Gourmand WordPress ThemeGourmand Light PluginmyThemes Wizard and Gourmand PRO Version are distributed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. These WordPress Solutions can be used for unlimited number of websites.

By default Gourmand WordPress Theme not has extra features like Multiple Custom Headers, Social Sharing, Front Page Custom Sections and others. Only with support of plugins Gourmand Light and Gourmand Pro you will enrich Gourmand WordPress Theme with extra features.

So if you use by default Gourmand WordPress Theme and decide to upgrade it with extra features, Light and PRO, you don not need care about your data and current settings because the plugins extend your current version and are well synchronized.

IMPORTANT: So after you download and install Gourmand WordPress Theme we recommend install ( manually ) next 2 plugins: myThemes Wizard and Gourmand Light.



Dear customers if in your current version you can not found one ore more features described here that mean this feature is available just for our PRO Customers.

I think you are patient and understand we can not include all extra features in free version and just myThem.es Members can take advantage of Quality Support and Priority Customizations. We will Happy to meet you in our Members Team !

Short - Free VS PRO

We’ve created the solutions that will help your business look even better and we hope you will love this solutions !

Activate premium features and get extended core functionality without the risk of loosing any data or settings.

Multiple Custom Headers

Gourmand allow you use multiple Custom Headers for your Front Page and also for each post and page. You can use it as Custom Header Image, Custom Header Video or Custom Header with Google Map. All this features are very user friendly and easy to setup.

Front Page Custom Sections

Gourmand WordPress Solutions purpose you use some custom sections instead of default content. This is an easy way to fill you content with a well designed elements to present your business details and identity.

You can use next sections: Features Section, About Section, Daily Dishes Section, Call Action Section, Services Section, Chef Menu Section, Delivery Section, Testimonials Section, Reservation Section, Latest News Section and Contact Section.

Sections become with general settings where you can define a style for all sections and individual settings for each section. You can customize spaces, section titles, title decorations, sections subtitles, descriptions, background image and color.

In near future we porpos us to add some additional sections like: Our Team Section, Latest Products Section ( integration with WooCommerce ), Newsletter Section ( MailChimp and Google FeedBurner integration ), Price Boxes Section ( integration with WooCommerce ), Our Portfolio / Our Works Section ( images gallery ).

So dear customers if you need some additional sections or features contact us and describe de features you think can be useful for you and other customers.

Recommended Plugins

Below is a list of recommended useful plugins. If after install Gourmand WordPress Theme you follow recommended actions then you don't carry about how install and where get these plugins.

myThemes Wizard

This is a Setup Plugin what allow you easy and fast setup your website. And it really does not matter if you are a beginner or advanced in WordPress Domain.

myThemes Wizard - WordPress Setup Tools

Gourmand Light

This plugin extend Gourmand WordPress theme Core Features with many extra Features and allow you use Front Page Custom Sections instead of default Content

Gourmand Light - extends Gourmand WordPress Theme with extra Features

Contact Form 7

This is a plugin what allow you build custom contact forms. We use the plugin features to build automatically required forms for Front Page Custom Sections ( Delivery, Reservation and Contact ) and also Contact Page Form.

Contact Form 7

Easy Google Fonts

In our theme by default we use 3 beautiful Google Fonts: Montez, Quicksand and Open Sans.

Montez font is used for website Title and Sections Titles.

Quicksand font is used for Headline h1 .. h6 and Header to, Sections Subtitles, Pages Titles, Post Titles other Small Elements with Titles.

Open Sans is used for rest of Typography Elements. With Plugin Easy Google Fonts you can easy and fast overwrite all these fonts.

Easy Google Fonts

We recommend don't change the font size because Easy Google Fonts don't use responsive font size.

Loco Translate

Loco Translate Plugin is a good free tool what will help you translate easy and fast your website in your favorite language.

Loco Translate


Here you will found short details about Terms of Use, Support, Interactions and Other Services and Details.

License & Terms of Use

Terms of use for the Gourmand WordPress Theme, Gourmand Light Plugin and Gourmand PRO, Copyright 2017 myThem.es.

Gourmand WordPress Theme, Gourmand Light Plugin and Gourmand PRO are distributed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ( GPL 2 License ). All these solutions can be used for unlimited number of websites.


Dears customers we want inform you about our support terms and conditions. We provide support just on our official website through our Forum Community or Contact Form ( integrated with a ticket system ). Sorry but we cant follow all social channels and in some of cases social channels are not ready to do professional support.

Priority Support is dedicated just for our PRO Customers. For other type of customers we provide support just if we have time to do that.


This service is dedicated just for our PRO Customers. We can provide small customizations only if requested customizations are possible to be integrated with our theme. We reserv the right to decide what is possible to be integrated or not.

Feedback & Bug Report

Thank you for choosing myThem.es and use one of our WordPress Themes your choice is greatly appreciated!

We strive to be the best in this field. Please, help us to increase the theme quality. You can reporting the bugs and giving us the suggestions: Contact US

Discussion & Comments

Here you can put your Appreciations and also fast questions ( not technical ). Also you can rank our WordPress theme on wordpress.org. Please not put here question what contain something like "how to ..." or "how I can .. " or "what is need to change ...".

Community & Forum

Support with Technical Details. Here you can ask all you need without limits. Please remember Professional Support is Dedicated just for our premium customers. If you use our free solutions and need fast and professional help with customizations and integrations you need become one of our premium customer.

Translate the Theme ( Localization )

The theme is Translation Ready but not contain the translated files for each language.

So, you can translate the theme in your favorite language. We can suggest Loco Translate Plugin. This is a good free tool what will help you translate easy and fast your website in your favorit language. More details about Localization you can find here.

Customizations with Custom CSS

WordPress comes with a special option what allow customize your website with your own CSS code. To use it go to Admin Dashboard: Appearance › Customize › Additional CSS.

You can use it for multiple cases, just is need to add your custom CSS code.

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