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Fundnly Laon and Banking Angular Template

Fundnly Laon and Banking Angular Template

by Slidesigma

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Fundnly Laon and Banking Angular Template

Fundly is a high-quality Online Banking & Loan Portal Angular JS Template that was built for Multipurpose Loan Portal & online banking Template.Fundly Angular JS Template is specialized for Online Banking & Loan Portal rental. Fundly is built with the market trend and the well-anticipated future of the entertainment industry. We have crafted this template with Bootstrap 4 and Angular JS. All our effort was to make your website best in every single perspective. All necessary pages and elements that are required to customize your website are included with the Fundly template. The user-friendly features allow admins to easily find the options and settings that they are looking for, with no previous experience required and all located in an easy-to-find menu. Loanly’s timeless, spacious design and neutral color scheme can accommodate any Loan Portal organizations and can add that extra flair to your site.

Fundnly Laon and Banking Angular Template Features:

  1. Built on Angular 10
  2. Attractive Homepage
  3. Responsive in Any Device
  4. Retina Ready
  5. Creative and Beautiful Layout
  6. Fast, Lightweight & Powerful
  7. Smooth Transition Effects
  8. ES6+
  9. Clean And Professional Coding
  10. Creative and Modern Design
  11. Bootstrap (v4.5.0)
  12. Simple Client-side Routing (page based)
  13. Google Font and Icon Used
  14. Integrated With IcoFont and FlatIcon
  15. Easily Customizable
  16. Well Commented Code
  17. Detailed Documentation

Fonts used

  1. Merriweather
  2. Montserrat

Pages Info

Homepage (/app/components/pages/home)

Homepage v2 (/app/components/pages/hometwo)

About Us (/app/components/pages/about)

Blog Grid (/app/components/pages/blog)

Blog Leftsidebar (/app/components/pages/blogleft)

Blog Detail (/app/components/pages/blogdetail)

Services (/app/components/pages/service)

Service Detail (/app/components/pages/servicedetail)

Loan Calculator (/app/components/pages/loancalculator)

Loan Steps (/app/components/pages/loanstep)

Team (/app/components/pages/team)

Finance (/app/components/pages/finance)

Coming Soon (/app/components/pages/comingsoon)

Error 404 (/app/components/pages/error)

Contact Us (/app/components/pages/contact)

User Dashboard (/app/components/pages/userdashboard)

Go to /app/app.routing.modules.ts and see the urls & find the appropriate modules for every pages.