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Fattaj – Indian Restaurant Angular Js Template

04 Jul 2022 Theme Of The Day

Fattaj – Indian Restaurant Angular Js Template

by Slidesigma

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Fattaj – Indian Restaurant Angular Js Template

Fattaj – Indian Restaurant & Street food Angular Js Template is designed for Indian cuisine Restaurant websites following the athletics of Indian culture. Fattaj Indian Restaurant Angular Js Template is fully responsive built on Bootstrap 4 grid and latest Angular Js version. Fattaj can also be used as a Indian food taster blog, stand alone Indian Restaurant website, Street food online delivery, Street food and more. Fattaj – Indian Restaurant & Street food Angular Js Template includes a functioning contact form to help you get reservation right to your inbox, with a menu page to help you display your delicious food items.

Additionally we've included set of pages which are displayed in the list below, so you can develop a full fledge website in minutes. A detailed documentation on how to deploy the template on your server is included in the product and our tech support team is always on duty to help you resolve any issue you might face.

Fattaj – Indian Restaurant Angular Js Pages

  1. Homepage v1 (/app/components/pages/home)
  2. Homepage v2 (/app/components/pages/home-two)
  3. Homepage v3 (/app/components/pages/home-three)
  4. Homepage v4 (/app/components/pages/home-four)
  5. Homepage v5 (/app/components/pages/home-five)
  6. Homepage v6 (/app/components/pages/home-six)
  7. Blog Grid (/app/components/pages/blog)
  8. Blog Left (/app/components/pages/blog-left)
  9. Blog Details (/app/components/pages/blog-details)
  10. About Us (/app/components/pages/about)
  11. Contact Us (/app/components/pages/contact)
  12. Gallery (/app/components/pages/gallery)
  13. History (/app/components/pages/history)
  14. Menu (/app/components/pages/menu)
  15. Team (/app/components/pages/team)
  16. Reservation (/app/components/pages/reservation)
  17. Our Chef (/app/components/pages/chef)
  18. Typography (/app/components/pages/typography)

Go to /app/app.routing.modules.ts and see the urls & find the appropriate modules for every pages.

Fattaj – Indian Restaurant Angular Js Template Features:

  1. Built on Angular Js 11
  2. Attractive Homepage
  3. Responsive in Any Device
  4. Retina Ready
  5. Creative and Beautiful Layout
  6. Fast, Lightweight & Powerful
  7. Smooth Transition Effects
  8. Clean And Professional Coding
  9. Creative and Modern Design
  10. Bootstrap (v4.6.0)
  11. Simple Client-side Routing (page based)
  12. Google Font and Icon Used
  13. Integrated With IcoFont and FlatIcon
  14. Easily Customizable
  15. Well Commented Code
  16. Detailed Documentation

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