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“How do you build a modern website design? What design elements should use to make your website look fresh, unique, bold and professional for your business? “

There are some elements of Modern website design

User-centric Design:- Today the modern customer is so much impatient. With just a glance at your site, they pass judgement on whether what they are looking for can readily be found on site,  the modern website needs to have on each particular page only that which the consumer needs, more quality and have on each particular page only that which the consumer needs, more quality, and relevant content. With the addition, a great user experience calls for an effective and efficient use of white space. 

Eye-Catching images. Images should be catchy and have the capability to attract the thousands of visitors to the website. Ensure that the images are responsive to the changes in consumer technology preference like mobile use among other preference. The keywords for modern website images are should be responsive and relevant.

Less Clutter.  In modern web design, space is used to not only improve the visibility but also to control the flow of information. It helps in direct attention, keep text readable and make certain elements on the page stand out. A page has neat, organized, and free of clutter for smoother and cleaner customer experience.

Read More:- http://mshfoundation.org/web-design-tips-that-you-may-apply/

Mobile Friendly (Responsive Design)-If your website is still not mobile friendly, then you are actually doing your business more harm than good! In fact, your competitors are probably taking full advantage of the fact that your website isn’t mobile ready.

Sightful Footer:- Never ignore the power of a great footer. Because of this where you give your visitors more information about your company without necessarily breaking the flow of your content on the page. You can provide contact information, links, your sitemap, and any other relevant information to the reader. Keep it simple and well blending into the rest of the site.

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