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NOVA Consulting & Training Co.

NOVA Consulting & Training Co.

by BRANDERS PRO web design agency

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Nova Training provides quality training and consulting services in touch with local needs and unfailing dedication to educational excellence. The company logo, where simple geometry of letters is combined with rich corporate colors, becomes the basis for a cleanaesthetic website design.

The website showcases the use of parallax scrolling complemented with other design techniques like slight graphics movements as elements appear on the page, thus seamlessly weaving together parallax effect and interactive graphics to create an engaging user experience. This way, scroll-triggered CSS animation offers an immersive interaction that elegantly reveals the page content while a vivid color palette lends a cheerful, welcoming tone to the website.

Parallax scrolling adds depth and movement to the website experience. Each time they scroll down further, website visitors are met with exhilarating shots of bold color that fill full-width strip sections. The strips float above one another, using a mix of both parallax and reveal scrolling effects as a user enters the viewport. Such a slideshow-type effect, as the strip sections change one another, serves to organize the information and effectively direct the viewer's attention. Additionally, the reveal effect creates engaging user interaction with the image slider at the top of the landing page. 


Nova Training website is a combination of simple aesthetics and dynamism that translates into a satisfying browsing experience.

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