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Maharishi Ayurveda Products Pvt Ltd

Maharishi Ayurveda Products Pvt Ltd

by Maharishi Ayurveda Products Pvt Ltd

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Maharishi Ayurveda comes as the fulfillment of the worldwide search for a more effective system of health, which is free from harmful side effects, is prevention oriented and capable of eliminating disease and its source. It gives a modern insight into ancient system. Maharishi Ayurveda describes health as perfect balance of the three Doshas and imbalance as basic cause of all diseases. Maharishi Ayurveda eliminates imbalance from the most fundamental level of life, pure consciousness and re-establishes the natural interconnectedness of consciousness and physiology, behavior and environment. Health in this context is defined as perfect balance and wholeness of life. Maharishi Ayurveda makes an important contribution to modern health care that it treats disease at its source rather than merely pacifying symptoms. The basis lies in prevention and in strengthening the bodys own inner intelligence to maintain perfect health. Maharishi Ayurveda Products Pvt. Ltd. was incorporated in 1986 under Maharishis Global Plan. It is a comprehensive and scientific system of natural health care under the direct inspiration of his holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It is the complete revival of the tradition of Ayurveda which comes to us from the ancient vedic civilization of India. The goals of Maharishi Ayurveda are to preserve health, there by creating an enlightened individual and a disease free society. It would be appropriate to say that Maharishi Ayurveda Products is a research based organisation and many of its products have undergone Research/clinical trials in India as well as abroad. Maharishi Amrit Kalash is one of the most extensively researched Ayurvedic preparation with extremely encouraging results from Holland, U.S.A, Switzerland & Japan.

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