Calculate Contact Form 7 Provide easy to calculate contact form 7 to make Loan Calaculation, Booking Calaculation, Math Calaculation. Cost calculator Contact Form 7 can be Calaculation price base on text, checkbox , radio and select box base adding price with prefix in WordPress site.
Price calculator contact form 7 to make each field between to setup calculation to field so we can know costing for contact form 7.
Example Formula
EX-1 [calculator calculator-123 "Fieldname-1 + Fieldname-2 * (Fieldname-3 + Fieldname-4)"]
EX-2 [calculator calculator-900 "Fieldname-3 * Fieldname-4"]
EX-3(with prefix $) [calculator calculator-959 Prefix:$ "Fieldname-3 * Fieldname-4"]
EX-4(sqrt) [calculator calculator-265 "sqrt(Fieldname-1) ** Fieldname-2"]
EX-4(with prefix $ and Precision 2) [calculator calculator-266 Prefix:$ Precision:2 " Fieldname-1 % Fieldname-2"]
Plugin Features
- Support all summation , deducation , multiply and devision formulas
- Customize format total
- Additional support % = Find Modulus ex. 12 % 5 // 2, ** = Find power (^) ex. 3 ** 2 // 9, Sqrt = Find Square root ex. Sqrt(25) // 5
- You can put Prefix on total
- Range Slider Feature
- One Total field
- Make inputbox price field
- Make radio price field
- Make select box price field
- Make checkbox price field
- Cross browser’s compatible
- Paypal Supported
- Save Data in Database
- Calculators Finance
- Calculator Quote
- Booking cost calculators
- Compatible in all major browser
- Easy use