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Bionic Egg

Bionic Egg

by Bionic Egg Design

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Welcome to Bionic Egg
History – Established in 2001.

Once upon a time, Mark Johnson became so fed up with the dull, monotonous, copycat websites clogging the internet that he decided to launch his own branding and web design business. Well aware that good designers were few and far between, he aimed to forge an entirely new aesthetic for web design. His initial clientele came mainly from the worlds of fashion and photography, but he soon won clients from PR, hospitality, beauty, e-commerce, and many other fields. Mark’s creations were more than pixels on a screen; they were organic digital life forms—the progeny of client and creator. So when he needed a vivid name to sum up the kinetic dynamism of his design work, one concept commanded his total attention: websites are born of a union between a nurturing mind and digital technology, in a kind of gestation. Eureka! In August 2001, BIONIC EGG was born.

Nearly 15 years later, Bionic Egg is still evolving.  The web industry advances at breakneck speeds, yet MARK has maintained his position at the forefront of design and branding innovation.  Armed with his dynamic vision and intuition for coming trends, MARK JOHNSON seems to know the future of the digital space before it unfolds.

Bionic Egg, Branding and Web Design specialists, services a clientele that runs the gamut across industries and prestige.  We have worked with clients as large as heavy hitter Procter & Gamble and as intimate as local NYC shops.  Whether you are running a boutique business, launching a start-up brand, or managing an established multibillion dollar company, we can expertly polish your presentation to the world.

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