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Arijit Dey | Experience Designer | Portfolio

Arijit Dey | Experience Designer | Portfolio

by Arijit Dey

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Hi, I'm Arijit Dey, an Interaction Design student from National Institute of Design, India, presently working as an User Experience Designer at Microsoft R&D India Pvt Ltd. This is my portfolio website which was designed and built entirely from a blank canvas of html body tag with an emphasis on certain interaction design principles. Prior experience of working as a developer helped me create a symbiotic relation between design and code. The intention was to create a clean and minimal UI with subtle animations. The entire page uses a contrasting dark blue theme with an intro section having a backdrop of a night photo of Marine Drive, Mumbai, India clicked by me. The projects (works) section focuses on consistency of design while using similar cover images and vibrant colors as the page theme. The Contact section allows the visitor directly send an email from the website and receive visual feedbacks for delight. The About section talks about my life and experiences. Hope you appreciate it.


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