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Apparel Music

11 Oct 2022 Site Of The Day

Apparel Music

by Kattelan Agency

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Apparel Music was created by Giuseppe D'Alessandro aka KiSk in 2009 following a quest for the most diverse musical styles. The need to explore this genre arises from the idea of bringing something new to the electronic scene. (label, media, factory)


Chicago, USA

"Apparel Music is a sanctuary for the strange and eclectic, the freaks and weirdos who move among us and have devoted themselves to soulful electronic music"

Rome, Italy

"Apparel Music, label e collettivo all'insegna del sound più inclusivo e pirotecnico della black-music elettronica"

Hype Label of the Month

"The label, founded back in the heady days of ‘09 keeps true to a simple organising pricinciple-bringing a human jazzy dynamic to electronic music"

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