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Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week

Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week

by Ab Dhabi Sustainability Week

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Accelerating economic, social, and environmental growth and sustainable development

Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW) is a global campaign to promote sustainable development and achieve economic, social, and environmental progress, spearheaded by the UAE and its renewable energy powerhouse Masdar.

In order to discuss and engage on bold climate action and innovations that will ensure the next generation a sustainable world, ADSW was founded in 2008. ADSW brings together heads of state, policy makers, industry leaders, investors, entrepreneurs, and youth, all of whom have a stake in the future of our planet.

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Assembly, the ADSW Summit, the World Future Energy Summit, the Abu Dhabi Sustainable Finance Forum, the Youth 4 Sustainability Hub, and Women in Sustainability, Environment and Renewable Energy are just a few of the major events that take place during ADSW (WiSER)Annual Forum, Innovate, the Zayed Sustainability Prize Awards, and The Festival at Masdar City.

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