Christian Cerullo
Christian Cerullo is an italian graphic designer, 25 years old from Pescara (Abruzzo).
After took high school diploma as computer expert, he moved to London for short period.
This short but intense experience bring guy to discover communication world.
Afterwords he attended Academy of Fine Arts in Rome where he graduated with max score.
Academic experience grow up creative skills and his graphic design passion where he experiment with photography, editorial graphics, branding and packaging.
Academic path culminates with graduation project where student design new way to do CV through visual design. It can support people and recruiter for better job search.
During years he acquires work experience at graphic studio and start ups working on 3D printing and web entertainment.
His best skills are passion for visual design and communication media grown over the years, he also works on different kind of platform such as traditional paper or web world and he is not scared to try new professional challenges.