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Math Pair

Math Pair

by Ape PuntoCom

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  • Math Pair
  • Math Pair
  • Math Pair
  • Math Pair
  • Math Pair

Discover the 12 couples through 9 levels of difficulty as you've never seen before . 

Not enough to memorize an image but results need to memorize short math to find the corresponding pairs . 

Three addition levels, three subtraction levels and three multiplications levels are waiting for you to show your mental abilities and concentration. 

You have five medals life to find 108 couples game. The medals of life are: 
  1- guess 
  2- Guru 
  3- Nobel 
  4- Professor 
  5- Apprentice 

Each offers different amounts of possible failures but also varying amounts of points for each hit . Accept the challenge and do not give up ! 

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