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Design Nominees
Limit Of Defense

12 Sep 2016 Game Of The Day

Limit Of Defense

by Vadim Kovalenko

Categories Tags
2D , Logic , War
  • Limit Of Defense
  • Limit Of Defense
  • Limit Of Defense
  • Limit Of Defense

Over our lands once again in danger. The enemy broke through the border, destroying everything in its path. Your task is tactically correct to put the defenses and destroy the enemy. And remember, with each level the enemy is becoming stronger.
Punish the aggressor together!
Our future depends on you, soldier!

Limit Of Defense combines the arcade game type "Tower Defense" military strategy.
- simple gameplay
- 40 colorful levels
- 6 types of defensive weapons
- 4 additional super weapons
- a variety of enemies
- free bonuses
- nice dynamic music

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