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Escape Game - BEG Treasure Trove

Escape Game - BEG Treasure Trove

by bestescapegames

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  • Escape Game - BEG Treasure Trove
  • Escape Game - BEG Treasure Trove
  • Escape Game - BEG Treasure Trove

Treasure Trove is a point and click type free escape game developed by BestEscapeGames.
There is a king who dominated the north side of India with justice. In his land, there is a soldier
named Bhagi guardian of the treasure room and he protected the treasure with all his life. On the king
birthday, the people celebrated the day with concerts and special events. Bhagi also celebrated with his
family till the evening and returned to the castle to guard the treasure room. But, the room has opened
and one of the treasure box is missing. Bhagi do not know how it happened. But, he knew the punishment
for this mistake is beheaded in the public. Now Bhagi has the only way to help him from beheaded is
finding the lost treasure on his own before the king aware of it.

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