
ProgressView is used to display the progress of any long running activity such as downloading/uploading/waiting for a response from web service to the user. This is a vital UI element which when absent could give the users an impression that the application is not responding.

Now, Follow these steps to implement  Progress View in Swift.

Step - 1 : Open the Xcode, Create a new project and select Single View Application template as below.


Step - 2 : After selecting, enter the product name as "ProgressView". Set your Organization name and Organization identifier Then press the next and create the new project.


Step - 3 : Select Main.storyboard file and search Progress View and Button from Object Library and Drag and Drop in View. also set constraints of Progress View and Button.


Step - 4 :Select Progress View and Add to IBOutlet connection in ViewController.swift file.


Step - 5 : Select Button and Add to IBOutlet connection in ViewController.swift file.


After connecting with IBOutlet, there is created an instance of Progress View and Button.

@IBOutlet weak var vwProgress: UIProgressView!
@IBOutlet weak var btnStart: UIButton!

Step - 6 : The code for the ViewController.swift file is given below:

var progressBarTimer: Timer!
   	 var isRunning = false
	override func viewDidLoad()
       		 vwProgress.progress = 0.0
 @IBAction func btnStart(_ sender: Any)
            btnStart.setTitle("Start", for: .normal)
            btnStart.setTitle("Stop", for: .normal)
            vwProgress.progress = 0.0
            self.progressBarTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.5, target: self, selector: #selector(ViewController.updateProgressView), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
        isRunning = !isRunning
    @objc func updateProgressView()
        vwProgress.progress += 0.1
        vwProgress.setProgress(vwProgress.progress, animated: true)
        if(vwProgress.progress == 1.0)
            isRunning = false
            btnStart.setTitle("Start", for: .normal)

Increasing the Height of the ProgressView:

We can change the height of the ProgressView in the following way, write code in viewDidLoad

		vwProgress.transform = vwProgress.transform.scaledBy(x: 1, y: 5)
        vwProgress.layer.cornerRadius = 10
       	vwProgress.clipsToBounds = true
        vwProgress.layer.sublayers![1].cornerRadius = 5
        vwProgress.subviews[1].clipsToBounds = true

We can change the track color and progress color of the ProgressView in the following way, write code in viewDidLoad

Show Output of ProgressView:

You can easily download demo code by clicking here.

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