Supply Chain is our lifeblood of the global economy. This connects producers and consumers across vast distances. The T-shirts we wear, smartphones we use, and the food we consume this navigate intricate way from start to end, thanks to the complex system of manufacturing, storing and transportation and delivery.

Let’s see the glimpse of the history of Supply chain

History Of Supply Chain

Across the History, Mostly people made and sold their stuffs in localbase. But the route of the trades, connecting far-off places such as Egypt, Rome, Mesopotamia, that is gradually emerged. These ways interlinking the cultures and permitted their products or goods to be traded. Let’s say for an example, Greece exported their popular stuffs such as Olive Oil, Pottery, and Wine and they export their products to various places like Spain and India.

The Romans develops roads that enhanced trade on land, while the Silk road interlinked Rome to China. Also the Shipping also getting improved, that assist the traders of the Rome ambitions. But we all know during that period, there is lack of poor information, coordinationless between the traders and producers. Right!

In the Middle Ages, Many Businesses was local, via some luxurious stuffs such as Silk and spices that was traded along well-established routes globally. Guilds and market towns assisted standarize trade practices, that lay the scratch-work for later industrial systems.

Also the Colonialism improved long-distance trade, with companies like British East India Companies and Dutch. They import the goods such as spices and tea and export to the country Europe. This resulted in more complicated trade pathways and the development of global commerce, but with different results.

Into the Modernized Epoch

Modernized Supply Chain Management Software is the result of combining these tried-and-true business methods with logistics, an area of study that emerged from the neccessity of planning and coordinating complex military operations and transportation. Although it has been used both formally and informally for centuries, logistics was established in 19th and early 20th centuries scientifically with developments in manufacturing, transportation and communication.

When comes to today’s GenZ era, internet and Online shopping plays a major role and altered how goods get to us. Before this era, Traditional stores are plays a major role. Because they used big warehouses to store their stuffs. So that it directly comes to the consumer’s home. Right! So delivery to homes became a big deal in the early 20’s. So they start with the help of smaller local centers to get interact with the customers. This meant they had to change how they manage their inventory, packing, and returns to be so faster. Thanks to the sites like Amazon, Flipkart that helps such traders to people got used to getting things quickly even on the same day.

In the 2010 and 2020s, Companies start focuses on being more flexible and ready for surprises. The Pandemic period showed how easily global supply chain could break. Companies depends too much on getting stuffs just in time, without keeping additionals. When borders closed and factories getting shut it down, there were not enough things to go around.

For instance, there were not enough computer chips, that is mostly made in Asia, so car factories could not make cars. After Pandemic, Many Enterprises, are expanding out where they get their stuff from, keeping additional supplies, and ensure they can manage bigger issues. The pandemic revealed that it is crucial to balance saving money with being ready for anything.

5 Common Supply Chain Management Software Problems and their Solutions

Various Factors create problems and challenges in Supply Chain Management software, But here are the most common along with corresponding implemented Supply Chain Solutions.

  1. Difficulty Forecasting What Customers want
  2. Expansion of Shipping Cost
  3. Follow up with Cutting-Edge Technologies
  4. Expanded Lead Times
  5. Finding a Trustworthy Transporter
  6. Risk Management

Difficulty Predicting What Customers Want


During the Pandemic and Beyond, User Preferences changes a lot. This is because the habits and necessities of the people have shifted and are influenced by diverse aspects such as online trends and social media. As a result, Businesses are finding it more and more challenging to figure out what their customers exactly want to buy next.

Exact Predictions are very important to manage the supply chain efficiently. If a company overestimates its demands and produces too much, they end up with surplus inventory that can be pricey to manage and store. On the other hand,

Neglecting demand leads to shortages, which annoy customers and may cause a decline in sales.


To tackle this problem, Businesses and enterprises need to reconsider their predicting strategies. Using cutting-edge technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI) can assist in analyzing data and making more precise foresight. In addition, customers' price sensitivity can guide alterations in pricing strategies to influence demand. By adapting predicting strategies and being mindful of customer behavior, businesses can better align their inventory with actual demand, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Expansion of Shipping Cost


When the Cost of both Shipping and Delivery goes up, it is tough for your businesses. They have to decide whether to make customers pay more or lose money themselves. This issue gets worse when there is more demand for shipping than there are ways to ship things. This makes costs go up until fewer people want to ship things or there are more ways to ship stuff. In addition, customers want shipping to be fast, cheap, or even free, which makes things even harder for businesses trying to keep costs down and meet customer requirements.


To deal with high shipping prices, businesses can try various ways to ship, like using trucks rather than ships when sea freight costs too much. While some enterprises might have to raise prices for customers to make up for losses, it is important to find ways to ship things more affordable whenever possible. This assists keep prices low while still making enough profit.

Follow up with Cutting-Edge Technologies


Problems with Supply Chain Technology occur because of old systems, various platforms not working together, data being stuck in split-up places, systems cannot handle big changes, and there are risks of cyber attacks. These issues can cause mistakes in handling data, stop things from executing smoothly, and put sensitive information at risk.

But Technology in the Supply Chain is getting better rapider. Things such as Internet-Connected sensors, Blockchain, and Smart Computers are changing how things can operate. They give real-time updates, make smart predictions, and can even make up your mind on their own. These changes make supply chain management software work even better, more faster, and more adaptive.


To fix this technology issue, Businesses can upgrade their systems, using software that links everything together, and ensures their data is more secure from cyber threats. Also, they can team up with companies that provide the perfect technology. By using better technology, Enterprises can enhance how their Supply chain management software operates, which makes them more transparent, efficient, and able to manage surprises.

Expanded Lead Times


Actually, the lead time is the amount of time required to complete a task from the start to the end. It is important to assess the supply chain's overall performance. The lead time is 14 days, For example, if you order something on January 1 and receive the order on Jan 15. The length of time it takes to deliver goods to clients is the result of various supply chain components taking varying amounts of time. If it takes too long in the Supply Chain, it can make the total time even longer. This might upset customers and cause businesses to miss out on sales.


To fix lead time problems, Businesses can make things run smoother by getting rid of unreliable suppliers and picking vendors closer to where things are stored. This assist makes things more faster and enhances how the entire supply chain actually works.

Finding a Trustworthy Transporter


Due to outdated systems, Absence of implementation between various platforms, data silos, limited scalability, and cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Supply Chain Technology issues often arise. These problems can lead to inefficiencies, bugs in managing data, operational disruptions and compromised data security. Supply Chain Technology has cutting-edge faster with innovations such as Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine learning (ML) to transform operations by offering real-time visibility, predictive analytics, and Automated Decision-making capabilities.


To resolve this technology problem, Businesses can upgrade their technology systems, utilize software that connects everything together, and ensure their data is more secure from cyber threats. Also, they can run with companies that provide the right technology. By using this technology, companies can make their supply chains work better, be clearer, and handle changes well.

Risk Management


There is an ample amount of inherent risk in your supply chain. While it is not possible to eradicate it, you can mitigate it with proper risk management. Some of the risks of both internal and external should be addressed via supply chain risk management that includes:

  • Supplier Insolvency
  • Thievery
  • New Government Jurisdictions
  • Natural Disasters
  • CyberSecurity Susceptibilities


By mitigating the risk of Supply Chain by integrating proactive measures to expect and address potential disruptions. First and foremost, businesses should broaden their supplier base to eradicate dependence on a single source and mitigate the impact of supplier failures or disruptions. By maintaining open communication channels with suppliers and partners also permit for early discovery of issues and collaborative solutions to a problem.

Using cutting-edge Technology solutions like Supply Chain visibility platforms and predictive analytics, can improve visibility and permit proactive risk management. Developing eventuality planning and changing source preference can also assist to lessen the impact of unexpected events and preserve business continuity during the time of zero hour. Businesses that integrate a detailed risk management strategy can eliminate the risk and reinforce their supply networks.

Current State of the Global Supply Chain

Because of COVID-19, the Globalized Supply Chain is facing Big challenges. There are not enough workers, it is hard to move things around, and there is lack of materials. Problems also like fights between countries and natural hazards that make things even more complicated. To deal with these issues, Businesses and enterprises are trying new ways of working that finds various places to get things from, and utilizing this technology to see what is happening in their supply chain.

Hire a Solution setter that assists in fixing your Supply Chain Management Software Problems

Is your Business having any trouble because of the problems in the Supply Chain? Maticz - the leading Supply Chain Management Software Development Company has the greatest way to assist with how you sell things and get them to customers. They can ensure you have the right amount of things at the right time and get to the customers instantly. Their Business experts can assist with all types of businesses, like selling clothes, shoes, beauty products, or healthcare items. Connect with their business experts today and learn more information.