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Sleep Monitor: Sleep Cycle Track, Analysis, Music

04 Jun 2024 App Of The Day

Sleep Monitor: Sleep Cycle Track, Analysis, Music

by AIO Software Technology Co., Ltd

  • Sleep Monitor: Sleep Cycle Track, Analysis, Music
  • Sleep Monitor: Sleep Cycle Track, Analysis, Music
  • Sleep Monitor: Sleep Cycle Track, Analysis, Music
  • Sleep Monitor: Sleep Cycle Track, Analysis, Music
  • Sleep Monitor: Sleep Cycle Track, Analysis, Music
  • Sleep Monitor: Sleep Cycle Track, Analysis, Music

Cannot sleep well? Suffering from insomnia?

Sleep Monitor focus on recording sleep cycle details to help you understanding your sleep status. Sleep Monitor has a smart alarm clock to remind you sleep early at night and wake you up gently in the morning. In addition, Sleep Monitor offers relax sounds like white noise to help you sleep better.

Install Sleep Monitor to:
Record Your Sleep Habits
If you drink alcohol, coffee, eating, smoking, doing exercise or have any pathological condition before sleep, see how these slumber habits can impact your sleep. Select bedtime behavior then tap sleep icon to start the recording.

Track Your Sleep Patterns
Sleepers will have 4 or 5 sleep cycles during the night. Usually sleepers will pass four sleep stages in one sleep cycle: Non-REM 1(between waking and sleep), Non-REM 2(light sleep), Non-REM 3(deep sleep), and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. These stages progress cyclically from 1 through REM then begin again with stage 1. A complete sleep cycle takes an average of 90 to 110 minutes, with each stage lasting between 5 to 25 minutes.

Sleep Monitor will track your sleep pattern quality and duration by the help of phone microphone, accelerometer sensor and output chart report. Get insights into your physical and mental state when sleep.

Know Your Sleep Quality
Sleep Monitor systematically analyzes your bedtime behavior and sleep pattern quality then generate your sleep core. Get your daily sleep insights and graph analysis and use the data to help you sleep better. Sleep Monitor is especially helpful for who want a way to check how their sleep is, and do not want to invest in an accessory like smartband or smartwatch.

Set Smart Alarm Clock
Set alarm for your morning wake up or nap or night bedtime.

Listen Relaxing Sleep Sounds
Listen high quality relaxing music to calm a racing mind before sleep. Fall asleep quickly with different kinds of sleep sounds.

Sleep Monitor Target Group
- People who is suffering insomnia, a sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty falling and/or staying asleep.
- People who want to do self-diagnosis whether there are signs of poor sleep quality like sleep disorder, sleep disruption, sleep deprivation.
- People who care about sleep quality

App Working Requirements
√ Place your Android phone near your pillow or bed
√ Sleep alone to eliminate interference
√ Charge your phone by the bed as Microphone will consume battery fast when continuous working.

Language Support
English, German, French, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Italian

We are working on to add more useful features and support more languages in coming updates.

Make sure your bedroom quiet, dark, cool. Feel relax before sleep.
Hope you sleep like a baby!

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