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Paybookclub Cash For Posts SNS

09 May 2022 App Of The Day

Paybookclub Cash For Posts SNS

by Capexsales Ltd

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  • Paybookclub Cash For Posts SNS
  • Paybookclub Cash For Posts SNS
  • Paybookclub Cash For Posts SNS
  • Paybookclub Cash For Posts SNS
  • Paybookclub Cash For Posts SNS
  • Paybookclub Cash For Posts SNS
  • Paybookclub Cash For Posts SNS
  • Paybookclub Cash For Posts SNS

Get paid for your posts.
Get paid again to share with friends & SNS
Get paid Day & Night.
Why search government jobs or indeed jobs on Google or sns like Facebook & Instagram?
Get this Social Media App on your mobile & encash your posts for Instant money.
If you want to get on a media, publishing, news or blogging career, or search how to get an online job or a work from home job, Paybookclub is the power App you need, not a resume!
If you wonder what job near me is there to earn money while I watch videos or games with friends, Paybookclub is the rare two in one Social meeting and work place for you.
If you are a journo, photographer, budding blogger, ad executive or stuck at home mother trying to lose weight, open Paybookclub & post videos, mp3, musica, memes, jokes, news, events, blogs etc on weight loss, fitness, diet, vacation, web de, crypto etc.
You will get paid get right away for each post in Paybos you can trade instantly for others.
When your friends like, share, comment and boost your post, they get paid for each action.
Money keeps coming to you day and night.

Privacy Policy
1.1. User Data Collection & User Consent
User Data Collection:
User is not required to provide Personal Information like Name, Surname, Email Id, Address, Government Issued ID, Bank Account, Credit card details etc.
User needs to provide an active mobile number with country code during the Sign-Up process.
User needs to capture, during Sign up or later (Before funds withdrawal or posting any content), THREE Selfies (Two with witnesses) as proof of User ID and ownership of content.
User can OPTIONALLY upload an Image, profile name and description to be used as PROFILE information.
User needs to provide Age and Gender declaration during sign up process.
User Data Usage:
User's mobile number will be used as User’s Log In Id and to send OTP to identify the User for the Sign Up/Log In process, Password Reset and other admin purposes.
User's mobile number will not be revealed in any part of the App to other users.
User's THREE Selfies captured during Sign Up or later will be shown to other registered users to VERIFY and eliminate FAKE Identity before accepting the User in to various groups.
User's User ID and Profile Image, profile name and description if provided will be shown in different PUBLIC and PRIVATE listings, accessible to other Users according to their privileges.
User's Age information will be used only for various admin purposes like restricting minors from using the App and limiting the duration of membership etc.
User's Gender information will be used only as part of Identity and general classification to ensure additional security.
User Data Storage and Exposure:
User’s Data will be stored on our servers with SSL (https://) protection.
User's Data will be transmitted and used for various functions within the Application only through secure methods.
User’s Data will not be shared with anyone except the Law Enforcing authorities when and if legally required.
USER Consent:
User needs to confirm his/her Consent for collection of the above Data and Use mentioned above, PRIOR to the Sign-Up process by clicking a check box .
1.2. Any status updates posted to a User’s Private Time Line can be viewed only by their friends and cannot be shared to a Public Timeline by the User, to his/her friends or to User's groups.
1.3. All Users of Paybookclub must respect the privacy of their friends and other members of the network they may come in to contact and shall not expose any information, personal or other, they may come to possess, to a third person.
1.4 No User shall seek personal information from another User who is not in their friends circle through any of the communication means like voice call, video chat or video messaging provided by Paybookclub.
1.5 Paybookclub will provide “Stop Abuse” buttons in appropriate locations for members report abusive behaviour and invasion of privacy.

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