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Mind Mantra - Meditate, Sleep

10 Apr 2022 App Of The Day

Mind Mantra - Meditate, Sleep

by Mantra Care

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  • Mind Mantra - Meditate, Sleep
  • Mind Mantra - Meditate, Sleep
  • Mind Mantra - Meditate, Sleep

MindMantra is the #1 app for relaxation, calm, sleep & meditation. Discover a happier, healthier you through our meditations, sleep stories, music, and more. Meditate anywhere, anytime.

Who is Mind Mantra for?

Mind Mantra is for anyone, whether you’re brand new to meditation or a seasoned expert. It’s also for anyone who needs a mental break, a soothing sound, or a peaceful night’s rest.

Benefits of Mind Mantra:

* Calming Anxiety
* Managing Stress
* Deep Sleep
* Focus and Concentration
* Relationship Counselling
* Breaking Habits
* Happiness
* Overcome depression
* Self-Esteem
* Forgiveness
* Mindfulness at College
* Mindfulness at Work
* Calm Kids
* Physical health mindfulness training: Mindful Eating, Pain Management , Pregnancy, Coping With Cancer

Top features:

Daily Meditation
We have meditations that are only 10 minutes long and can help you ease into work or study, or unwind before bed.

Sleep Stories
The sleep section offers sleep meditations, relaxing sleep music, sleep stories, and sleep casts to guide you to a place of calm and rest. If you have trouble falling asleep or problems with your sleep cycle, Mind Mantra can help put your mind to bed.

Discover a music library that grows every week, with exclusive tracks from top artists — all engineered to help your mind relax, focus, and get into a state of flow.

Get out of your head and into your body. Learn mindful movement and gentle stretching for every body type with our short video lessons.

Calm your nerves and relax your mind with more than 30 soothing nature sounds and scenes to use during meditation, yoga, or to help you sleep.

Breathing exercises
Use Breathing Exercises & body scan to help you relax, unguided and open-ended meditation where you are the leader, and track your progress with daily streaks and time spent meditating.

Mindfulness exercises -
Mindful exercise offered by Mind Mantra can help release stress and tension.
○ Quick workouts – guided exercise videos for stress release, motivation, winding down, and more
○ 30-day courses – build a mindful fitness routine with a trainer-led course
○ Audio-guided cardio – mindful listening for your next run or walk

Mind Mantra is free to download and use. It is recommended by top psychologists, therapists, and mental health experts.

🏅About MindMantra:
Our mission is to make the world a happier and healthier place. It's both simple and big. We are part of Mantra Care, a global mental and physical wellbeing provider. Our team includes passionate individuals from ISB, Wharton, and Mckinsey.

Email us: contact@mantracare.org


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