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English Dictionary

English Dictionary

by idea aware

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  • English Dictionary
  • English Dictionary
  • English Dictionary
  • English Dictionary

A best english dictionary with 250000 words provides Words means, synonyms, antonyms and Hypernyms. This dictionary will be best for students academic personalities as well as other persons related to office work with lots of writings and letters involved. huge collection of words with synonyms and Hypernyms available for the people.This totally offline english to english dictionary that have no need of wifi or data network. Just one time install and free of cost.
Full English Dictionary - Offline +

English Dictionary, Offline.

• Thousands of words and definition to develop you vocabulary 

English to English Dictionary offline is learning application for all users who want to learn English Language. 
Free offline English to English dictionary can be used for learning English to English translation and pronunciation. 
A complete offline English to English dictionary is totally free and no need of any additional file to download.
Offline English to English dictionary is free, easy to use and also optimized for tablet. English Dictionary offline also 
contains Bookmarks and search history with option to backup your bookmarks. You can search word by speaking and 

Dictionary Features:

Designed to provide the most comprehensive search experience the dictionary combines several search tools to match or suggest what you are looking for, including:
 • autocomplete Search - helps you find words quickly by displaying predictions as you type few words in search bar which provides intelligent searching
 • Keyword lookup allows you to search within compound words and phrases

 • Looking for a specific word but don't know how it's spelled? We've got you covered with our automatic ‘Fuzzy filter’ to correct word spelling by spelling check algorithm

, as well as ‘Wild card’ to replace a letter or entire parts of a word
 • Use our Voice search when you don't know how an entry is spelled
 • Share word definitions or installed app

▪ Audio pronunciation - Learn words faster by listening to how they're pronounced to further enhance your vocabulary 
▪ Offline mode - No WiFi, no problem. Save words on your device to be viewed without the need of an internet connection

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