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Easy Market Track Widget - Stocks, Forex, Currency

11 Nov 2016 App Of The Day

Easy Market Track Widget - Stocks, Forex, Currency

by Active User Co.,Ltd

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  • Easy Market Track Widget - Stocks, Forex, Currency
  • Easy Market Track Widget - Stocks, Forex, Currency
  • Easy Market Track Widget - Stocks, Forex, Currency
  • Easy Market Track Widget - Stocks, Forex, Currency
  • Easy Market Track Widget - Stocks, Forex, Currency

Hi, after few months of doing research on stock market apps, forex apps... we found a big problem that these apps are so 'numerical', dense of numbers and facts...too hard to understand. For many people, they just want to follow what they care, like Apple stock price, gold price...
As an small effort to make things easier, we create this app to make users spend less time to deal with market indexes. 

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The app is different from any other apps. It re-structures the way of displaying data so users will just focus into what they really care:

App feature:
+ Track only market indexes that users are paying attention to

+ Easily realize which index is up and which index is down

+ Easy add tracking item: Choose stock symbols in all symbols in the US, or choose 2 currencies to compare.. Then everything is done automatically

+ Widget: We simplify the widget so users can take a fast look at any index they are tracking, because it is synchronized with the host app. Users can choose a single category to track.
+ Available for all iOS devices.

Download app at: 

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