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05 Aug 2018 App Of The Day


by coin orbis

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  • CoinOrbisCap
  • CoinOrbisCap
  • CoinOrbisCap
  • CoinOrbisCap
  • CoinOrbisCap
  • CoinOrbisCap

CoinOrbisCap gives you fast, secure and easy access to cryptocurrencies prices, market cap ranking, charts, coin details, crypto news on over 1600 cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Etherium, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Stellar, Cardano & many more. You can sort cryptocurrencies by Name, Market Cap, Price, Volume, Circulating Supply, News and Price Graph etc.

Features of CoinOrbisCap :
⦁    Show you more than 1600 Live cryptocurrency rates.
⦁    Priorities your favorite coins.
⦁    Show you charts and details of each coin.
⦁    Search a coin by its name.
⦁    Sort cryptocurrencies by its ranks, symbol and more.
⦁    Check coins rate with your local currency rate.
Please Feel free to contact us at coinorbis@gmail.com if you have any doubt or face any problems with the app.
We would like to here new suggestions from you that will help us to improve your experience. 
Thank you for using CoinOrbisCap!

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