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CheckMate - Rated Tradesmen UK

07 Apr 2017 App Of The Day

CheckMate - Rated Tradesmen UK

by Belvedere Universal Ltd

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  • CheckMate - Rated Tradesmen UK
  • CheckMate - Rated Tradesmen UK
  • CheckMate - Rated Tradesmen UK
  • CheckMate - Rated Tradesmen UK
  • CheckMate - Rated Tradesmen UK

This is the way my facebook feed looks nowadays! looks familiar?

Emy : "Someone knows a good piano teacher in North London?"

James : "Ahh! My house was flooded after last rain, someone knows a reliable and good repairmen in Westend???"

John : "I’ve been trying all day to find someone good in rated people and in Yell , but still can't believe the reviews I saw. Someone can recommend a good gardener for me?"

I guess yes!!! we checkmate have solution for you


CheckMate gathers all the most trusted sources right there in your mobile phone’s contacts. The CheckMate platform gives you instant access to thousands of professionals, who were reviewed and used by your friends, Checkmate will change the way you look for tradesman & professional service providers in UK and Focus in London. Join to our growing network of users that are here to help you find the best local professionals near you

You’ll find whatever service you need!! It doesn’t matter if you need a babysitter, mechanic, electrician, or gardener. Everything is just a click away.

* Trust your friends, not the ads!  *

Thanks to Checkmate, finding trusted pros & referred service providers is quite simple & fast! Don’t forget! The first 10,000 subscribers get lifetime free access

Visit Us :
CheckMate Site : https://www.trycheckmate.com/
Email Support : Marketing@trycheckmate.com

CheckMate app works with the community and for the community, please share the app with your close friends, so it can be effective for everyone; the app is totally Ads FREE

* Download NOW CheckMate for FREE!!!

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