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Design Nominees
Break Time

14 Nov 2016 App Of The Day

Break Time

by Axo Sal

  • Break Time
  • Break Time
  • Break Time

Being inactive during long periods of time is bad for your health. The videos which you can find here, http://zalab.surge.sh/breaktime explain why. To stand up and move around once in a while improves your health. Break Time reminds you to do that, with suggestions on what you can do during the breaks. The app can also be used as a Pomodoro technique app.

Break Time can be used in school classes, offices, workplaces, in collectives that work together. It can be used by people who are on their weight loss journey, people with such state of health or disease who would benefit extra from moving around once in a while or just by individuals who care about their health. Any other use cases are up to your imagination.

Did you know that apple watch and other smartwatches remind you to do some physical activity once in a while? But not everyone has a smartwatch. If you still want to take advantage of this feature on your smartphone, Break Time is free for you to use.

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